The Albuquerque Journal feature about Timothy Cummings, read the full article here
East Bay Express: Michele Pred →
How Michele Pred fights fear culture
KQED: Michele Pred →
Michele Pred included in Homeland Security exhibition at Fort Winfield Scott.
Colossal: Gregory Halili →
Colossal feature about Gregory Halili and human skeletons assembled with found coral.
Zahner: Jesse Small →
Jesse Small creates memorial for the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park, KS
Art & Antiques Magazine: Hung Liu →
Hung Liu is featured in Art & Antiques Magazine’s latest issue.
Arkansas Democrat Gazette: Nathalia edenmont →
The Arkansas Democrat Gazette feature about Nathalia Edenmont.
ADDA: Viola Frey →
The Art Dealers Association of America features Viola Frey, read the full article here
Bust Magazine: Michele Pred →
Michele Pred featured in Bust Magazine
The Brooklyn Rail: Frank Owen →
The Brooklyn Rail interviews Frank Owen, read the full article here