Michele Pred’s art pieces encourage voting with your pocketbook.
Bust: Michele Pred →
Artist Michele Pred Put Activist Messages On Handbags — And Sent Them To The Oscars.
The Brooklyn Rail: Peter Plagens →
The Brooklyn Rail reviews Peter Plagens at Nancy Hoffman Gallery
The Los Angeles Times: Michele Pred →
Power of the Purse by Michele Pred featured in the Los Angeles Times, read the full article here
Artcritical: Peter Plagens →
Artcricial review and criticism of Peter Plages.
Berkeleyside: Hung Liu →
Review of Hung Liu’s ‘Daughters of China’ at Kala Art Institute in Berkley.
Westchester Magazine: Michele Pred →
Feature about Michele Pred in Westchester Magazine.
Artnet: Hung Liu →
Hung Liu included in Artnet’s “Most Influential Artist of the Last Century”
Artdaily.org: Joseph Raffael →
Artdaily.org review of Joseph Raffael’s exhibition at the Nancy Hoffman Gallery
The Village Voice: Lynn McCarty →
The Village Voice review of Lynn McCarty’s “Slipping Sideways” exhibition.