NHG Video

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 16

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 15

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 14

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 13

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 12

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth Part 11

Climate Nature Nature Climate

Abstractions - Exhibition View

Peter Plagens - Abstractions

Lynn McCarty - Abstractions

Michele Pred - Equality of Rights 2022

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 10

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 9

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 8

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 7

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 6

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 5

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 4

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 3

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 2

Frank Owen with Alexi Worth - Part 1

Joan Bankemper - Flora & Fauna in Flux

Hung Liu - Little Parachute

Nicole Phungrasamee Fein - Joy Fields

Nicolas Africano - Twins

Nathalia Edenmont - Nobel

Rupert Deese - In Studio

Nathalia Edenmont - Euphoria

Timothy Cummings at Work

Judy Fox - This Kind of Beauty

Nicole Phungrasamee Fein NHG 2020

Judy Fox - At Work in Her NYC Studio

Joan Bankemper - A Studio Visit - The Funereal Urns

Joseph Raffael - Joseph Raffael - How Life Affects the Paintings

Hung Liu - Painting American Subjects & Family - Zoom Session with the National Portrait Gallery, July 2020.  

Michele Pred - My Body My Business

Don Eddy - Daughter Light Daughter Bright

Katerina Lanfranco - Making Work In This Time

Nicolas Africano - The Story Is Not Mine

Nicolas Africano - The Moth

Nicolas Africano - The Garbo Figures

Don Eddy - At Work, Stage 3

Linda Mieko Allen - A Message From Home

Don Eddy - At Work, Stage 2

Judy Fox - Curves and Composition

Don Eddy - At Work, Stage 1

Don Eddy Process

Don Eddy 2020 Part 1

Don Eddy 2020 Part 2

Don Eddy 2020 Part 3

Meet Peter Plagens

 Michele Pred - The Art of Equal Pay